Niday, Robert Vieira) (CX26110) Crystal Castles (1984)(Atari) Crystal Castles (1988)(Atari) Crystal Castles (1986)(Atari Corp.) Crystal Castles (1986)(Atari Corp.) Crystal Castles (1984)(Atarisoft) Crystal Castles (1984)(Atarisoft) Crystal Castles (1984)(Atarisoft) Crystal Castles (19xx)(U.S. We have compiled a massive library containing all the iconic games for the original console. However, it has now also been ported to Mac OS X, which may or may not count as a Unix variant depending on your advocacy position. GPLv3 A summary of the licenses behind RetroArch and its cores can be found here. Fuse (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator) was originally, and somewhat unsurprisingly, a ZX Spectrum emulator for Unix.
Team Fuse The Fuse core is licensed under.
Crystal Castles (E) Crystal Castles (1986)(US Gold)(128k) Crystal Castles (1986)(US Gold) Crystal Castles (1986)(US Gold) Crystal Castles (1986)(US Gold) Crystal Castles (1986)(US Gold) Crystal Castles (1986)(US Gold) Crystal Castles (1984) (Atari, Michael Kosaka, Peter C. ZX Spectrum (Fuse) Background The Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (Fuse): an emulator of the 1980s home computer and various clones for Unix, Mac OS X and Windows.